ENTChronic Sinusitis Treatment in Bangalore

Chronic sinusitis

Sinusitis is a swelling or inflammation of the sinus tissue. Sinusitis is generally caused by a virus and can last long after other upper respiratory symptoms have subsided. A sinus infection can be caused by bacteria or, in rare situations, fungus.
Sinuses are four paired cavities in the skull. They are linked together by thin canals. The sinuses produce thin mucus that drains via the nasal passages. This drainage aids in keeping the nose clean and bacteria-free. The sinuses, which are normally filled with air, can become obstructed and fill with fluid. Bacteria can develop in this environment and cause an infection. When the sinus tissue is inflamed, the nasal tissue usually swells.

Medfine Hospitals has one of the best doctors for chronic sinusitis surgery Bangalore. We provide chronic sinusitis treatment in Bangalore.

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Types of Sinusitis

There are two types of sinusitis. Mentioned below:

  • Acute Sinusitiswill be there for a brief period, usually less than four weeks. Acute sinusitis infections are typically associated with a cold or other respiratory ailment.
  • Chronic Sinusitislasts more than twelve weeks or reoccur. The key characteristics of chronic sinusitis are facial pain, infected nasal discharge, and congestion.

Both acute and chronic infections share many sinus infection signs. Seeing a doctor is the best method to determine if a patient has an infection, determine the reason, and receive the chronic sinusitis treatment.

Causes of Chronic Sinusitis

  • Polyps in the nose.These tissue growths have the potential to obstruct nasal passageways or sinuses.
  • Infections of the respiratory tract.Infections in the respiratory tract, most common colds, can inflame and thicken the nasal membranes, causing mucus outflow to become obstructed. Bacteria or viruses can cause these infections.
  • Other medical issues.Nasal obstruction can be caused by the complications of disorders such as HIV, cystic fibrosis, and other immune-related diseases.
  • Nasal septum deviation.A deviated septum (the wall between the nostrils) can limit or block nasal passageways, worsening sinusitis symptoms.
  • Hay fever is one example of an allergy. Allergy-induced inflammation can clog the sinuses.

Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis

Consult a doctor if you notice any of the symptoms for chronic sinusitis treatment. Chronic sinusitis is characterised by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Inflammation in the nose.
  • Nasal discharge that is thick and discoloured.
  • Swelling, pain, and discomfort in the area surrounding the eyes, cheekbones, nose, or brow.
  • Sinusitis will reduce smell and taste.
  • Your upper jaw and teeth are aching.
  • Coughing or clearing of the throat.
  • Ear pain and Headache.

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Diagnosis of Chronic Sinusitis

The doctor will ask about the patient’s symptoms and perform a physical check to determine if the patient has a sinus infection. They may push a finger against the head and cheeks to check for pressure and soreness. Doctor’s may conduct many tests for chronic sinusitis treatment. They may also look for symptoms of inflammation on the inside of the nose. The doctor can diagnose most sinus infections based on the patient’s symptoms and the findings of a physical exam. However, in the case of a chronic illness, the doctor may advise patients to undergo imaging tests to evaluate the nasal passages and sinuses. These tests can detect mucus obstructions as well as abnormal formations like polyps.
A CT scan creates a 3-D image of the sinuses. An MRI creates images of inside structures using powerful magnets. The doctor will use a fibreoptic scope, which is a lighted tube that runs through the nose. It is used to see the inside of the nasal tubes and sinuses directly. During a nasal endoscopy sinusitis treatment, the doctor may collect a sample for culture testing to determine the existence of an infection. An allergy test detects irritants that could induce an allergic reaction. A blood test can detect infections that weaken the immune system.

Treatment for Chronic Sinusitis

The patient may require antibiotics for sinusitis if bacteria cause the infection. If the doctor cannot rule out an underlying infection, they may prescribe an antibiotic, often in conjunction with other treatments.
Immunotherapy: If allergies cause chronic sinusitis, allergy shots that help lessen the body’s sensitivity to certain allergens may help.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Bangalore

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery may be an option in circumstances where treatment or medicine has failed. The doctor will use a small, thin and flexible tube with an attached light (endoscope) to check the sinus passageways during the same chronic sinusitis treatment. Depending on the cause of the blockage, the doctor may use various devices to remove tissue or cut away a polyp that is causing nasal obstruction. Enlarging a restricted sinus entrance may also help with drainage.

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FAQsAdenoiditis Treatment FAQs

Digital Marketing is all about driving the right audience to your website. Our Digital Marketing FAQ can help answer any questions you may still have about the services we offer. Here are answers to the most common Digital Marketing FAQs.

When it comes to digital marketing, we have the answers! Below is a list of questions frequently asked by various people, business owners and marketers. We have compiled this list based off of the questions that we are often asked by our clients and the questions that are commonly asked online and on social media.

When you have chronic sinusitis and a diminished sense of smell, inflammation interferes with your sinus’s capacity to drain, which is why you lose your sense of taste and smell.

You should be able to return to work in about a week after chronic sinusitis treatment (surgery) and to your routine in approximately three to four weeks. However, this varies depending on your profession and the severity of your operation. Most people return to normalcy within 1 to 2 months. After your procedure, you will need to see your doctor regularly for 3 to 4 months.

The most common type of sinus treatment is endoscopic sinus surgery. A narrow, illuminated tool called an endoscope is inserted into the nose by the surgeon to remove tiny bits of bone or tissue that are blocking the sinus passages. The doctor can also remove polyps. Surgery is performed when the sinus is in chronic condition.

When most individuals hear the word “sinus surgery,” they automatically assume it would be costly and that they will be unable to afford surgery. The cost of endoscopic acute sinusitis treatment in Bangalore differs from one health care based on the surgeon’s charge. It will be determined by their level of expertise and sinus severity.

The following factors determine functional endoscopic sinus surgery success:

  • The patient’s age, medical condition.
  • The surgeon’s expertise.

On the other hand, functional endoscopic sinus surgery has a success rate of up to 95%.

Our answers to the questions most commonly asked. Ask us a Question

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